After studying photography at a gymnasium level I later applied for college in Santa Barbara where I was lucky enough to study and practice both film and photography with some incredible people.
In 2014 I started writing a novel called 'Mesmerized' that I dreamt of some day rewriting into a script.
After studying screenwriting and filmmaking I'm currently working on a Stop Motion film following the story of personal characters in a fictional story based on people with a different perspective of the world.
My name is Emma Thorstensen. I'm currently 23 years old and born in Sweden. When I was 4 years old, I had an accident that would change my life forever.
It's been many years since then and I haven't fully accepted it yet. The film I'm working on will focus on people who struggle with neurological pain. Pain that isn't physically visible. I'm hoping that it will be a film that some can relate to and for others to perhaps get a glimpse of what a life like that is like.
In 2014 I started writing a novel called 'Mesmerized' that I dreamt of some day rewriting into a script.
After studying screenwriting and filmmaking I'm currently working on a Stop Motion film following the story of personal characters in a fictional story based on people with a different perspective of the world.
My name is Emma Thorstensen. I'm currently 23 years old and born in Sweden. When I was 4 years old, I had an accident that would change my life forever.
It's been many years since then and I haven't fully accepted it yet. The film I'm working on will focus on people who struggle with neurological pain. Pain that isn't physically visible. I'm hoping that it will be a film that some can relate to and for others to perhaps get a glimpse of what a life like that is like.
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Jag har i några års tid studerat fotografering både på gymnasienivå och collegenivå. Mitt intresse för fotografering började då jag fick min första kamera år 2009, då jag för första gången var ute och reste på egen hand. Enda sen dess har mitt intresse för fotografering bara utvecklats. Jag har hoppat från kamera till kamera, land till land för att testa mina egna gränser.
Under 2016 studerade jag fotografering och film på Santa Barbara City College i Kalifornien. Men nu är jag tillbaka på hemmaplan i Stenungsund.